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Entrega de premis i torneig llampec 3+2
Dia 4 de desembre 19.15h

XVIII Obert Vila de Gràcia

Last update 29.11.2024 23:42:35, Creator/Last Upload: Daniel Leiro Giralt

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Alphabetical list

1Abad Juanpera, Jordi2452063214931538CATEscola Catalana D'escacs - Eca
2Alonso Gonzalez, Carlos221523319842110CATCongres C.E.
3Alsina Kirchner, Jordi227121418301881CATTres Peons C.E.
4Andrade Neto, Gentil5470640816411643CATTres Peons C.E.
5Angulo Centurion, Juan Jesus3200286617041815CATSant Adria C.E.
6Arnaud, Aurelien2609189521600FRAEchiquier Chalonnais
7Asensio Ruiz De Alda, Javier2456303017391833CATTres Peons C.E.
8Asensio Sanchez, Daniel225796317731850CATTres Peons C.E.
9Badia, Regis52307285701627CATTres Peons C.E.
10Badia Berthelot, Luca9474208117681897CATTres Peons C.E.
11Badia Berthelot, Leo52300737015291807CATTres Peons C.E.
12Barrado Jimenez, Elias53501762718651821CATTres Peons C.E.
13Bascunana Del Castillo, Carlos3204356217441825CATCongres C.E.
14Beltran Jimenez, Maria52307842114881553CATTres Peons C.E.
15Bezzi, Alessio87612719112113ITATorrenegra C.E.
16Boyer Censore, Giuseppe Enmanuel390908520052153VENTora C.E.
17Cabrera Marmol, Manuel3202370717401787CATHortenc, Ateneu Cultural C.E.
18Campillo Lopez, Ricardo Bienaventu5478334818321968CATAteneu Barcelones, C.E.
19Campins Machado, Francesc3200538521422255CATCor De Marina Badalona, C.E.
20Cardenas, Fernando Adrian3204298119082033CATTres Peons C.E.
21Carques Torres, Ismael52306543518231682CATTres Peons C.E.
22FMCastillo Dalmau, Albert3200992523162443CATVila Olimpica, Club D'escacs
23Catala Ulied, Bernat3206958819242071CATVila Olimpica, Club D'escacs
24FMCervello Tost, Ferran3200698522832389CATPeona I Peo, C.E.
25Cervera Alemany, Serafi229513015511581CATTres Peons C.E.
26Clanchet Olle, Josep226435817451886CATMartorell C.E.
27Codina Blasco, Joan227952518531970CATCongres C.E.
28MKComellas Blanchart, Jordi229109620342218CATTres Peons C.E.
29Corominas Garrido, Jordi228301818141921CATTres Peons C.E.
30Daguro Dasalla, Armando2222117419002055CATTres Peons C.E.
31De Jorge Sanchez, Adrian5478711416401730CATTres Peons C.E.
32De La Plaza Gras, Jordi228302619672122CATSant Cugat Club Escacs
33Delgado Fernandez, Luis3209522816771738CATCadena Escacs
34Delgado Torra, Bruno5459850817981916CATCadena Escacs
35Deppe, Leo1297385819950GERSC Bad Soden
36Domenech Vallejos, Josep Lluis221986719952155CATMaragall, Joan Avv C.E.
37Donas Perez, Emilio2450565019022064CATSant Adria C.E.
38Dossin Nogueira Da Cruz, Yvan5456734316771775CATTres Peons C.E.
39Escribano Rodriguez, Pedro225294518902005CATArenys De Munt, Centre Moral
40Escudero Ribo, Alexia5477015717811912CATTres Peons C.E.
41Esteban Cahua, Moises5478633917671852CATTres Peons C.E.
42Esteban Tudela, Oriol5474203018131907CATTres Peons C.E.
43Febrero Perez, Lluis228162715811664CATComtal C.E.
44Fernandez Rodriguez, Pablo3205180819260ESPClub d'escacs Maria de la Salut
45Galceran Porqueras, Joan2222268517611814CATTres Peons C.E.
46Garcia Gargallo, Joaquin3206900616601703CATTres Peons C.E.
47Garcia Miralles, Eduard5454672917601815CATOnce Barcelona
48Gomila Benejam, Teodoro3208833720410ESPCercle Artístic
49Gonzalez Lopez, Marcelo9476754819582150CATEscola Catalana D'escacs - Eca
50Guias, Horia Bogdan52306897301661CATVila Olimpica, Club D'escacs
51Hashemi, Seyed Kia53501763514911633CATTres Peons C.E.
52He, Hao Jue2455241018420ESPDama de Guardamar del Segura
53Hurtado Farre, Ildefons5452109214081320CATTres Peons C.E.
54Iglesias Lopez, Albert229872417751861CATTres Peons C.E.
55Ji, Chaoming52309637301352CATTres Peons C.E.
56Jin, Xuzhe52300938101456CATTres Peons C.E.
57Julian Barrachina, Lluis2222491218641941CATCadena Escacs
58Kamat, Ryshi3990750314431508USATres Peons C.E.
59Kolodchenko, Nikita52306272015231530CATGava C.E.
60Longueira Lateana, Mariano9476865018571976CATTres Peons C.E.
61Majoral Marco, Javier9476897815871634CATTres Peons C.E.
62Manrique Garcia, Sara3201732414261216CATIdeal D'en Clave C.E.
63Marcas Vila, Luis5450207116771758CATCambrils, Unio Escacs
64Marine Cabrisses, Carles9479992001289CATTres Peons C.E.
65Martin Valentin, Francisco225569317821854CATTres Peons C.E.
66Medina Zamora, Carlos225090018631977CATTres Peons C.E.
67Mercado Garcia, Jordi5458833216991738CATTres Peons C.E.
68AGMMolano Lafuente, Ismael228500220802258CATVall Del Tenes, Club Escacs
69Munoz Igual, Xavier228319020202156CATLa Lira, C.E.
70Orriols Codina, Joan228624617201762CATTres Peons C.E.
71Ortiz Giron, Jhoan Sebastian52307282217631762CATTorrenegra C.E.
72Paul Pardinas, Jose Maria5477917017671887CATTres Peons C.E.
73Penas Hernandez, Yolanda222157819232059CATIdeal D'en Clave C.E.
74Perolet Perez, Miquel228930016801781CATTres Peons C.E.
75Porta Guiu, Lourdes2451779815931635CATTres Peons C.E.
76Pujol Fernandez, Marc9477050601700CATTres Peons C.E.
77Recacha Delgado, Rafael5452395814351344CATTres Peons C.E.
78Recacha Limeres, Sergio2222888816841708CATTres Peons C.E.
79Roig Martinez, Salvador3204232917171804CATSant Andreu C.E.
80San Juan Morigosa, Isaura226064618932002CATAgusti, Centre D'esport
81Sanchez De Medina Vilagrasa, Enric2224915016701737CATTres Peons C.E.
82Sanjuan Vranjes, Oscar9479738216791634CATTres Peons C.E.
83Santoux Canal, Albert3201442217861781CATTres Peons C.E.
84Schenkel, Alberto5458073015801617CATTres Peons C.E.
85Solsona Olive, Xavier227568617761847CATTres Peons C.E.
86Soriano Rafel, Xavier5456755616111689CATTres Peons C.E.
87Susany Sanchez, Ernest53502415101700CATCongres C.E.
88Tortosa Moros, Joan2224632017441842CATIdeal D'en Clave C.E.
89Tremosa Pons, Marius9474079816211628CATTres Peons C.E.
90Tur Rodriguez, Vicente53502416001700CATTres Peons C.E.
91MKVallbona Domingo, Joan229148719262052CATTres Peons C.E.
92Vendrell Sigales, Carles5458076517801840CATTres Peons C.E.
93Villa Peiro, Roger5455821218131952CATPeona I Peo, C.E.
94Volart Buil, Jordi226977517221824CATTres Peons C.E.
95Yu, Tingyue53502417801452CATTres Peons C.E.
96Zhang, Ying Jun Xiong5478554517001870CATTres Peons C.E.
97FMZhukov, Dmitry2412542323092507CATTres Peons C.E.